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Teacher Membership

SAGWA provides member teachers with professional development through teacher training, networking, and information on best teaching practices.

Annual Teacher Membership ($50) or Lifetime Teacher Membership ($1,000)**

A portion of Annual Teacher Membership fee is applied to SAGWA Scholarship Fund.
** If you are currently an Annual Member, you can upgrade to a Lifetime Member by logging in and visiting your profile.

Membership Benefits

  1. Participation in SAGWA-sponsored teacher and student events
  2. Discounts and early-entry registration for selected SAGWA-sponsored events
  3. Eligibility for your students to apply for SAGWA Student Scholarships
  4. Eligibility for SAGWA Teacher Scholarships
  5. Inclusion of your family members under the Teacher Membership; there is no need to have both Teacher and Family membership in the same family.
  6. Listing in the SAGWA Teacher Directory “Find a Teacher
  7. Listing of studio sponsored events on the SAGWA website
  8. Ability to apply for SAGWA event sponsorship
  9. Ability to contact select groups of SAGWA members; SAGWA does not release contact information but can forward material to members who have not opted out of receiving such information.
  10. Leadership opportunities within the SAGWA community, including becoming a Board or committee member
  11. Voting privileges for Board of Directors Elections

Begin or renew your teacher membership

Memberships run from January 1 to December 31.

Teachers who register or who have renewed their SAGWA membership anytime from September 1 until December 31 will be “grandfathered in” to the next year. 

All SAGWA members are encouraged to be members of the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA). 

SAA membership_form.pdf


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